Is it just me or are the weather forcasts getting less accurate? I find it hard to accept the theories about global warming when the Met office are having difficulty predicting what the weather will do in the next 24 hours; let alone the next 24 years! More and more I seem to get to where the weather is supposed to be good, only to get wet and cold, and worse still have to struggle for light!
This last weekend wasn't too bad though, a murky grey start that cleared when the wind increased a little, allowing some after-lunch sunshine. Welney isn't that far from home so it seemed like a good idea to get some Swans in flight with the pastel winter sky at sunset, and to "kill two birds with one stone" (poor choice of cliché I know!) I also needed some shots of trains on a bridge, and the one at Pyemoor would be ideal.
These are a small few of the results of a reasonably productive day, I was very pleased with the Song Thrush as I see fewer and fewer of them.
The geese in flight across the sun was taken from the A1101 bridge on the causeway, I also got Swans, Gulls and a flock Golden Plover in much the same image, not to mention how cold I got too!
Stonechats are regular here in winter but can be difficult to locate sometimes, and the Pied Wagtail on ice just served to show how tough these little birds are to cope with what the winter throws at them.