I have been shooting garden birds quite a bit over the past few weeks, (apart from going to see the Vulcan at RAF Cottesmore, see my aviation blog for pix). I have never tired of photographing Robins, and no matter how many images I get of them, there are never any two alike, apart from usually being quite tame this bird has so much charm, character and charisma its hard not to point the camera at them and enjoy taking photos as they bob and pose like a model.
More from the hole in the lawn, I think the way that you shoot a subject reflects how you feel about it, puting yourself on the same level is like showing them as your equals in this world; I always strive to shoot things a little differently than most others would, (its getting more difficult these days though) the last thing I want is to end up as a sad old git shooting the same old tired production line images from the same old hides day in, day out! What appeals to me mostly about low POV images is that there is, if the hide and background are suitably situated, nothing that detracts your eye from the subject, the more colourful the bird, the bolder it looks! but even "little brown jobs" like the Dunnock and House Sparrow leap from the image and invite you to view them in all their fine detail.
I have been very busy shooting a series of birds on new feeder products images for a catalogue; I really do enjoy shooting common species, the result is that I spent some time after doing the commissioned images working on the commoner birds that visit the site, the Yellowhammers and Dunnocks especially looked great on the grass and just had to photographed from ground level!