Saturday, 24 May 2008

Brilliant Bempton

This week I have walked my legs off, 2 days up and down Welsh mountains photographing aircraft and then a day at Bempton cliffs photographing seabirds. Practically spot-on weather with the wind in the east and a soft veil of cloud to hold back the harsh sunlight led to 20gig of images being shot, these are some of the first lot, I still haven't looked at most of them, but as you will see I've concentrated on flight shots.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Wagtails wag wings

I was concentrating so hard on these that I have ended up with a bad eyestrain type headache tonight, but it was well worth it, nearly 20 stonking shots of the Pied Wagtail in flight and 6 or 7 of each of the male and female Yellow Wagtails............... oh and hundreds of dud shots too!

More Wagtails

The site I have for Pied and Yellow Wagtails has been very productive this year, its be an intensive job keeping the pools filled up and making sure the mealworm feeders are kept topped up, its not just the wagtails that visit though, the Lapwing bathing shots were taken at the same site and also the Corn Buntings and Linnets. The muddy edges of the pools have just started to attract the local Swallows and House Martins too, so hopefully they will be one of the next subjects on here.
For lots more of my most recent images see

Sunday, 11 May 2008


Lapwings galore this week, the reasonably confiding ones that come to bathe and drink at a pool on the Yellow Wagtail site have been well photographed now, but I also got some others in the Yorkshire Dales this week too.

Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Nest building

Another visit to the Yellow Wagtails, they are well underway with nest building, the female being incredibly confiding, I was able to shoot from ground level and follow her around as she gathered material, at one point she was just inches from me! I am also getting several Corn buntings coming to the pool on site as well, but mainly they were feeding on the margin around the growing crop.

Saturday, 3 May 2008

Flava of the month!

I have been having a very busy spell of late, so it was really good to get out and shoot some images without the pressure of deadlines etc today, it didn't start too well but later this afternoon I got my first Yellow Wagtails of the year.