Another reason for staying closer to home is that I have had a couple of books to supply lots of images for, and just as 'sods law' always seems to dictate I have been indoors busy on the PC when the weather has been best for photography.
When I have been out and got some air around my cameras it has been quite eye-opening; its is so easy to forget that within a few miles of home there is a wealth of nature to photograph and although perhaps not as glamorous, it's no less inspiring.
I have also done a few days of 1 to 1 tuition at two different local sites, no rarities again, but lots of common species that are comfortable with people close by, these allow the time to practice different techniques, such as how to use 'depth of field' creatively and how to work with 'fill-in flash', I get a real buzz from seeing the smile of someone who has mastered the sort of shot they have previously struggled with, it's been good fun!

As I think you already know I just 'found you' Nigel and enjoying finding out what and who you are though I already know most of the photographers I need to know and am pretty sure includes yourself if only by name.
I have created a link to your website from and look forward to future visits here.
These are all wonderful. The first 3 in particular are stunning shots.
Fantastic photography.
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