Friday 6 July 2012

More local birds

Some more local birds photographed in the bright spells between the rain and cloudy weathe, the Corn Bunting population seemed quite high with at least 13 singing males in the small area around the farm that I regularly take pictures on, they are not always very accomodating, but this one favoured the newly planted Hawthorn hedge  and would come back to the perch soon after I parked near it, by staying in the car (a great mobile hide) I got some nice images. 
 The seed on the feeder patch soon drew in Pheasants, this one I nicknamed Dyson!
There were 2 days when there was a massive passage of Meadow Pipits, I counted 27 at one point, they were fun to look at due to the plumage variations, one had me guessing if it was Olive backed or not!
A star bird locally was the Barn Owl (last pic) they were nested in a fallen willow by a stream but hunted a piece of set-aside land away from the nest site, often coming to close to focus when I was there, you could almost set your watch by the time of their visits!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

vERy,vERy,vERy niCE work!!!!!!!!!
In some of your photos the element of enforcement so intense...
pleasure for the eyes..........!!!!!!reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.