The special favourites of mine are the Yellow Wagtails that for 2 or 3 weeks show up in big numbers on a local dung heap, this week there has been 30+ at times, all feasting on the clouds of flies, despite the muck there they always look spotlessly clean and stand out luminous sulphur yellow.
There has also been a steady flow of Wheatear at the site, some showing quite extensive feather wear to the primaries, the long migration has caused the damage.
The local Pied Wagtails have been bullying everything away from the fresh water pool I have put there, but the Wheatear's have none of the Wagtail's protestations and come there to drink.
The Red legged Partridges are getting less wary too, at the start of the week they eyed me cautiously from the fast growing Barley, in just 5 days they have lost that shyness and boldly stroll over to the pool (just 5 metres away) to drink!
There's hundreds more images from this week on my Flickr gallery.

As ever, fantastic shot Nigel :-)
Great shots! I especially love the partridge. Gorgeous!
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