Saturday 4 September 2010

Some Hirundines and the Butcher bird.

This week has seen some quite nice weather with less wind so I've managed to get out and shoot alot of images. It was a real treat to find lots of Hirundines frequenting a stretch of barbed wire fence, using the car as a hide was perfect and I soon shot in the region of 15gig on Swallows, House Martins and Sand Martins in what was excellent afternoon light.

The Red-backed Shrike stayed for a few days so I had to go and have another session photographing it when there were fewer people around, it was in the same hedge by the railway and turned out to be a bit of a poser!


Debs F Grant said...

Beautiful images. The second shrike shot is stunning.

JRandSue said...

Stunning Images,well captured.
Stunning Blog.